Daily Tarot

As the deck shuffles, still your mind and ask 'What's my point of focus today?' or a similar question. You'll find one that's right for you. Remember this reading is for you. When you're ready all you need to do is press the 'End Shuffle' button to reveal the seventy eight card deck. From there simply touch the card you're most drawn to. There's no rush.

Select one card of the day only. Multiple selection leads to confusion and incorrect messages given.


End Shuffle
The Innocent

The Innocent

Don't hesitate simply because something is out of your comfort zone. The opportunities offered may seem daunting but could lead to somewhere wonderful. Explore new avenues with energy and enthusiasm.



Knowledge is power. Be open to learning all you can however small. Hone your current skills to perfection or learn something completely different. Have confidence in what you already know.



Listen carefully to your intuition; you know more than you realise. Look for hidden meanings and truths in a situation. Once they come to light you can move forward confidently.



A loving, kind compassionate attitude draws others close. Show your softer side; by doing so you'll achieve much more. Offering help to others will be repaid. Reap what you sow.



Be in control and ready to stand your ground if required but don't expect applause to necessarily follow. Determination gets you through but resist being overbearing or manipulative. Be logical.

The Moor

The Moor

Live by your beliefs and be true to your values. Allowing others to dominate your thoughts, feelings and opinions will cause future distress. Be honest with yourself before making commitments.



Be open and honest in all communication. It's the only way to gain true understanding. Everyone's entitled to an equal say and, once decisions have been made, move forward together.



No obstacles are ever insurmountable. You may have to rethink your strategy but there is still a way forward. Focus your energies and concentrate on the desired outcome. Regain control.



Take your strength and courage in both hands and stride forward with purpose. Be resolute and quietly confident that you can succeed. Determination will bring positive results that benefit everyone.



Take time out to clear the mind. You experience confusion and the best thing to do is stand back and quietly reflect on where you're going and where you've been.



Life goes in cycles. Sometimes we experience "fabulous"; sometimes we don't. A new cycle is about to start and it's up to you to make the most of what's offered.



There's a balance which needs addressing. Careful thought will determine what's fair and what's not. Be practical and logical. Nobody can have everything but with compromise everybody can have something.



Expect delays and the resultant frustrations. No amount of intervention from you makes any difference. Making sacrifices now will bring future benefits. You just can't see what they might be.



Changes in life are inevitable. The important factor is how you cope with the challenges arising. Go with the flow BUT ensure you see the positives rather than the negatives.



Calm down and practice self-control. It's the only way to work through todays situations. Rest assured all will improve given time. For the moment embrace patience as your best friend.



The only person standing in your way is you. Cast off the chains of doubt, believe in yourself and get moving forward. You are more than capable - don't hinder yourself.



Fate is taking a hand and some things just fall apart. Don't worry. You will rebuild on firmer foundations and the new creation will be much stronger and more durable.



Make wishes then keep hope alive. Little by little your circumstances can and will improve. Hold on to that fact. For now keep going. Be careful what you wish for.

The Moon

The Moon

You're feeling unsure as shadows cast doubt. Be guided by your intuition; it serves you well. Wait for this phase to pass before taking actions that cannot easily be undone.

The Sun

The Sun

Enjoy your day in the sun. Connect with your inner child and experience the simple joy of being alive. Make room for fun as you ride the wave of success.



Difficult decisions await you. Cast emotion aside and be logical. Listen to others but ensure you too are heard. There's a sense of Karma as what goes around comes around.



You've successfully concluded one phase and, before you start the next, deserve to take time out. Relax and enjoy the rewards of your hard work and efforts. Good news arrives.

Ace of Chalices

Ace of Chalices

Passion ignites as something touches your very soul. Emotionally, this is the time of something big. Embrace it wholeheartedly and give it your all. Not a time for half measures.

Two of Chalices

Two of Chalices

Something or someone captivates you and it's time to bathe in the mutual admiration and respect this brings. Know that this was meant to be and give yourself to it.

Three of Chalices

Three of Chalices

Celebrations surround you with family, friends or colleagues. Together you're encouraged to raise a glass and toast your successes. Camaraderie is a blessing and your happiness is richly deserved. Enjoy.

Four of Chalices

Four of Chalices

Life appears disheartening with seemingly not much to look forward to. Don't become so down you miss an opportunity put before you. Keep your eyes open for an unexpected invitation.

Five of Chalices

Five of Chalices

You may feel it's time for you to move on? But is it? So many things to consider. If you stay where you are; accept the consequences of that inaction.

Six of Chalices

Six of Chalices

The past isn't always as glorious as we remember but we can, nevertheless, learn valuable lessons from it. Don't dwell there but take the wisdom it offers and move forward.

Seven of Chalices

Seven of Chalices

More than one option opens up to you but be careful of the choices you make. Assess all the facts before making your final decision. Be realistic in your thinking.

Eight of Chalices

Eight of Chalices

Walk away from negative situations and emotions. There's a whole new world out there waiting for you to explore it. Don't look back. Head up, best foot forward and go.

Nine of Chalices

Nine of Chalices

You're quite content with yourself and life. Make the most of this but don't become complacent. Acknowledge your blessings. Make a wish or two as the Universe favours you now.

Ten of Chalices

Ten of Chalices

Make time for family, whoever they are, hearth and home. This is the place where you and others are accepted unconditionally for who you are. Enjoy the comforts this brings.

Page of Chalices

Page of Chalices

It's the start of something new but be patient and let things unfold at their own pace. Success depends on getting everything in the right place at the right time.

Knight of Chalices

Knight of Chalices

Prepare to move forward but remember to thank those who have willingly helped you on your journey. A very interesting proposition may be heading your way. Read the small print.

Queen of Chalices

Queen of Chalices

A kind female of gentle nature offers assistance. Instinctively you place your faith in her. She won't let you down and her input is invaluable. She wants you to succeed.

King of Chalices

King of Chalices

A male gives reassurance, help and guidance. He's an acknowledged leader and has attained this position through kindness towards others in both thought and deed. Accept his offer of assistance.

Ace of Steeds

Ace of Steeds

Fresh starts in just about any area appear and it's in your best interests to make the most of them. The possibilities are endless as new ideas unfold. Don't hesitate.

Two of Steeds

Two of Steeds

Working closely with a friend, partner or colleague is of mutual benefit. You may be in unfamiliar territory but together you achieve much more. Two heads are better than one.

Three of Steeds

Three of Steeds

You're in a good place and look to the future with confidence. New people join you and these connections prove beneficial. Work within a team or group; you'll achieve more.

Four of Steeds

Four of Steeds

A gentle, harmonious influence offers a break from the normal hustle and bustle. Relax and savour every moment. Romance is a possibility as are deals with purchasing or renting property.

Five of Steeds

Five of Steeds

Life's very busy and there's a possibility of quarrels and conflicts. You could be going round in circles with one topic. Call a halt now and get back in control.

Six of Steeds

Six of Steeds

You're victorious and, deservedly, stand out from the crowd. Others look up to you with admirations and respect. Your efforts have paid off and your achievements do not go unnoticed.

Seven of Steeds

Seven of Steeds

Hard work's needed and it's down to you. Give yourself to the task in hand. The sooner you start the sooner you finish. The end results will be worth it.

Eight of Steeds

Eight of Steeds

It's all go as good news arrives unexpectedly. All manner of communications are possible but look for a connection with someone you haven't heard from in a while. Exciting stuff.

Nine of Steeds

Nine of Steeds

Delays and hold ups are inevitable as is the accompanying weariness. Harnessing your physical and mental strengths are essential now ensuring you reach your goals. They're nearer than you think.

Ten of Steeds

Ten of Steeds

Don't fall into the trap of taking on too much. Delegation is key here so be ready, and willing, to share the burden. You have nothing to feel guilty about.

Page of Steeds

Page of Steeds

Open honesty in communication is paramount, as mutual trust and respect form the cornerstone of true friendship. Good news is on its way and you can move forward with confidence.

Knight of Steeds

Knight of Steeds

You're restless of mood and look for something away from the norm. Challenges do not phase you and you meet them with grace and dignity. This is all about change.

Queen of Steeds

Queen of Steeds

You're in the right place at the right time as fate helps you out. Thinking outside the box gives you the edge when looking for solutions. Partnership and property unite.

King of Steeds

King of Steeds

Help is at hand from someone who has been there, seen it, done it and come out on top. You're encouraged to take a risk in business or property ventures.

Ace of Quills

Ace of Quills

It's not been easy but you should now seize the chance to strike out on your own. Don't let others hold you back. Be determined and follow your own path.

Two of Quills

Two of Quills

For the moment you've reached a standstill and efforts to move forward are futile. All you can do is wait it out. Situations will eventually resolve of their own accord.

Three of Quills

Three of Quills

Upset, tears and heartache. Difficult times see you lose self-esteem, confidence and motivation. This will pass as pain subsides and you heal. You'll emerge much stronger. Financial difficulties could arise.

Four of Quills

Four of Quills

Take time out for yourself and recharge your energies. Search out your peaceful place and go there. Put all cares on the back burner and allow yourself to simply exist.

Five of Quills

Five of Quills

Someone flexes their muscles and doesn't play fair in the process using their might as a control mechanism. It's not easy to get away without being hurt emotionally or physically.

Six of Quills

Six of Quills

You have experienced trying times but the worst of it is over and, although you're still dealing with the aftermath, rest assured the tides are turning. Persevere; you'll get there.

Seven of Quills

Seven of Quills

Things haven't turned out as planned so maybe its time to move on. Sometimes all we can do is walk away. Beware of someone taking from you, physically or emotionally.

Eight of Quills

Eight of Quills

Something's in a tangle and you feel trapped. Don't let your confidence or faith in yourself be destroyed. Gather your inner resources to help you. There's no room for self-pity.

Nine of Quills

Nine of Quills

Lack of sleep's a concern. Energy levels are depleted leaving you unable to function fully. It spirals down to low mood, tears and even depression. Time to look after yourself.

Ten of Quills

Ten of Quills

You didn't expect it did you? Someone's done the dirty on you and it's come as a shock leaving you floored. You're down not out and things can only improve.

Page of Quills

Page of Quills

Beware as some around you don't have your best interests at heart. Keep your eyes wide open and your thoughts and opinions to yourself. Look very closely into developing situations.

Knight of Quills

Knight of Quills

You'll move forward at a pace but be wary of missing an important detail. Be courageous, decisive and concentrate on where you're heading but above all else be clear in your intention.

Queen of Quills

Queen of Quills

A woman using thought rather than emotion offers assistance. She has the capacity for seeing the truth of a situation and her words carry weight. Pay careful attention to her.

King of Quills

King of Quills

A strong man offers his support. He asserts his authority without aggression as he focuses on the task in hand. Without getting side tracked by mundane matters he finds resolutions.

Ace of Bream

Ace of Bream

Keep your eye on the prize. Gather your strength; aim high. Fate assists but you need to seize the moment. This is no time to doubt yourself or your capabilities.

Two of Bream

Two of Bream

Which choice gives the better result? Carefully weigh up your options before reaching the final decision. In disputes listen to both sides of the story to get the full picture.

Three of Bream

Three of Bream

You're capable of an excellent job with your current skills but it's time to move up the ladder or onto pastures new. New career prospects emerge or DIY's a possibility.

Four of Bream

Four of Bream

Be it love, money, time or effort ensure you invest wisely. Look after what you have and be patient as your investment matures. Discard anything not offering a good return.

Five of Bream

Five of Bream

Look to finances and check for errors as funds seem in short supply. You will ride out this storm with vigilance and determination. Leave no stone unturned in your efforts.

Six of Bream

Six of Bream

Time to review your income? That asked; show generosity towards those less fortunate. What goes around comes around and your good deeds in life don't go unnoticed. Balance the books.

Seven of Bream

Seven of Bream

It's hard going at the moment and you're tempted to give in. Don't. Slowly things will improve but you'll need patience and continued effort. The results will be worth it.

Eight of Bream

Eight of Bream

Prepare to apply yourself, putting time and effort in, to acquire new skills. Courses or learning on the job are options as are new hobbies. Satisfaction and financial gain beckon.

Nine of Bream

Nine of Bream

A sense of adventure prevails and you should go for it. Mother Nature's a great companion, offering a sense of freedom and a feeling that it's good to be alive.

Ten of Bream

Ten of Bream

Investments of time and money in your home and family life are important now. Is everything secure? Are adjustments required? Act now to secure future plans. An inheritance is possible.

Page of Bream

Page of Bream

Look after mind, body and soul. A keep fit regime for the physical or a course of study for the brain. Exercising all aspects of the human form is key.

Knight of Bream

Knight of Bream

A slower day. Be patient, methodical and, above all else, be persistent. Nobody ever achieved anything by giving up halfway through. Finish what you start however long it takes you.

Queen of Bream

Queen of Bream

Be proud of your achievements but know you're capable of more. New career prospects appear and you should move forward with confidence. Independence and security are well within your reach.

King of Bream

King of Bream

The position you occupy came with much hard work and determination. You're now ready to share your experiences. Offer assistance and advice as others seek the benefit of your wisdom.