Monthly Tarotscope

April 2017

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

Finance is the theme this month. Finding the balance between what comes in and what goes out may be a bit tricky and lead to more than one or two upsets. There could be tears! Are you capitalizing fully on the skills you have to offer or is it time to increase them? Apply yourself and steer a steady ship. This phase will pass and you'll be wiser and wealthier by the end of it.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Spring is in the air and for you it's about recharging the batteries and taking care of your health. You don't need to charge into everything at 90 mph only to find you've missed a turning or the cart's rocketed off the track. Be patient, take a step back. Reflect on how far you've come and where you need to go next. Then get ready to move forward with more energy, enthusiasm and clearer direction.

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Education is important this month and there's nothing you love more than exercising your sharp intellect. Turn your attention to study as you know that wisdom and knowledge are power, and power can be turned into financial gain. That's probably just as well as an error with your finances could come to light. Ensure you get value for money with your purchases, keep a check on the bank balance and don't be tempted to overspend.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Love is in the air! It is spring you know. This month has all the signs of meeting that special person. Eyes across a crowded room? Perhaps. Or maybe you've suddenly realised just what your partner really means to you. Either way it's time to celebrate. Luxuriate in the sheer joy of living and look forward to the warmer days to come. How about planning something really special together. Spoil yourselves. You can you know!

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

What's fair? Good question. Fair for one can mean unfair for another. This month is about being fair in equal measure to all persons. It's a fine balance you need to find and there may be compromises to be made so that all parties are satisfied. You've not got where you are by an inability to see both sides to a story. Listen and watch and the outcome you hope for should be within reach.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

All that glitters isn't gold and this month it will pay off to read the small print. In all cases look carefully at what's offered to you before you sign on the dotted line. You don't want to find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place. That said, one opportunity coming your way will be just the thing to set you on the road to great success. Take care is all I'm saying.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

Still stuck in a rut? You've only yourself to blame. What is it that's holding you back? It's no good blaming situations, events or others. You have within you the power to free yourself from all restrictions. Go with your gut instinct. It won't let you down. It may feel as though you're stepping into the unknown but you'll very quickly find your feet. At the months end there's opportunity for travel. Perhaps a holiday?

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

Take time to contemplate your next move. You're looking at learning as the way forward but there's uncertainty about which way to go. Should you do something to enhance your career prospects or learn something for the sheer fun of it? Either way learning is never a bad thing as it opens us up to new thoughts and ideas. The main thing is to enjoy what you're doing and not do it out of duty.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Plans are moving forward and an offer is on its way to you. Take care though as this may be not all that it first seems. There is certainly the opportunity of financial gain and the chance to immerse yourself in some of life's' luxuries but take care to listen to your inner voice. If something doesn't feel right - it won't be. You've gained enough wisdom on your journey through life to see you right.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

This month life's going at a pace. After last month's struggles, you're back on track and have learned a lot about yourself and your own capabilities along the way. A new you is emerging. Stronger, more determined and no longer prepared to take any rubbish. Draw a line in the sand, leave behind anything that no longer works, and take full advantage of the fresh start before you. Be patient, your situation's going to improve.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

At last the mood lightens and now spring's here your spirits will lift. You'll start looking at what you want from the greater world this year and how best to go about achieving it. Keep talking to your nearest and dearest as some of your plans, although they start off small, could lead to a complete change in your lives. It's exciting stuff but before you go rushing headlong to your destination; enjoy the journey.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

Success arrives at long last and it's time to get on with it. Others may struggle to keep up with you as you move forward with plans at a pace. That's not your problem. Be prepared to make the most of opportunities coming your way and revel in your success. There will be moments when you can take a breather and you should use these fully. You don't want to burn yourself our too soon.