Monthly Tarotscope

April 2018

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

Change is in the air and you should embrace it wholeheartedly as it puts you in a much stronger position. You're encouraged to build on existing skills to enhance your financial prospects or perhaps turn a hobby into ‘a nice little earner'. Several possibilities open before you but you need to be realistic in your thoughts and avoid getting carried away with wishful thinking. Ensure your feet are firmly on the ground before making decisions.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Whether it's give and take or income verses expenditure somewhere, something, is out of balance and you're urged to address this situation quickly. It's going to be a bit of a juggling act but with plenty of thought you can get a plan in place. All you need to do then is stick with it. Good news arrives giving you a boost and the prospect of better times ahead. Romance is also a possibility now!

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

You need to apply logic and be practical this month leaving all emotions on the back burner. Concise communication is paramount but it seems that whatever you do, or say, you can't move forward and retracing your steps isn't an option. Accept that, for now, you've got to wait it out. That's no excuse not to plan your next move but make sure you find a balance which works for everybody otherwise tensions will mount.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

The month opens with opportunities for relaxation and enjoying yourself. Spring is here and you're encouraged to celebrate her arrival with time spent in the great outdoors. Revel in the peace and tranquillity as mid-month sees one or two difficulties arising with folk who are out to cause trouble. Avoid them if you can. Home improvements are a possibility and your career can see you shine as you're recognised for your contribution to the team.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

It's time to let something go. However difficult this may be hanging on only blocks your progress to better things. There's nothing to feel guilty about – you've been burdened long enough and it's high time to delegate some of the workload and share the responsibilities. Others are more than capable and you'll always be in the background, ready and willing to offer encouragement and advice when needed. For now enjoy this newfound sense of freedom.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Two heads are better than one and new opportunities put before you stand a better chance of success if you don't try to go it alone. Together you have a wealth of experience and knowledge to overcome any challenges you encounter. That said, do stick to your principles. Compromise if you can but not at the expense of your own peace of mind. Honest communication and mutual respect are paramount before making any lasting commitment.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

Important discussions are the theme this month on just about any subject and everyone needs to have an honest input and equal say in order for progress to be made. Balance needs to be reached and compromises need to be made but the outcome has every chance of success. Stepping away from any impasse gives solutions the opportunity to present themselves and the outcome is better than you could have imagined. Let events unfold naturally.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

Time for an honest appraisal of where you are. There's been hard work but have you invested wisely of your time, love and money? One or more situations may not deserve further investment and something reaches a natural conclusion. Don't be alarmed as one door closing makes room for another to open. You've learned a lot and can now move forward with confidence. Aim high and have your goals clearly in sight: success will follow.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Methodical and patient are keywords this month. You have sufficient skills at your disposal to turn situations to your advantage but if life slows you down it does so for reasons as yet unknown. Rushing ahead regardless results in errors of judgement being made and you'll have to unpick the consequences at a later date. Keep your eye firmly on the prize and continue to aim as high as you can. You will get there.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

Pay heed to nagging feelings which tell you something isn't quite right. You're not fully appraised of the truth of a situation as yet but you will in time. Creatively you're on top form and have all the qualities necessary to succeed in your endeavours even if means traversing a previously unimagined path. Using your wealth of knowledge, playing fair by others and being just in your actions sees you well placed to reap rewards.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

Someone's being a little overbearing or manipulative this month. Is it you? Prepare to take charge of a situation but don't resort to bullying to get your own way. You're encouraged to hold on to what you have but as life constantly evolves you need to look to your future investments of time, effort and cash. Ensure you invest wisely. There's an opportunity for celebration and spending quality time with good friends and loved ones.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

This is your month. Clear out the old and make way for the new, welcoming it with open arms. Be guided by your intuition and inner radar as, instinctively, you know the right choices to make. Celebrations abound as you spread your wings and fly. Not everyone around you is who they seem and one in particular could cause you harm. Instinctively, you know who they are so give them a wide birth. Remain vigilant.