Monthly Tarotscope

August 2018

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

There's a feeling of covering the same ground as you're expected to start from scratch again. Despondency takes hold and wears you down. There IS a ray of hope though and you're urged to keep your eyes open and ears attuned as somewhere in the mix there's information you need to hold on to. Be patient, don't give way to frustration, and let events unfold. The time for you to make your move will come.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

You're given the opportunity of finding your heart's desire. Warning! What you want might not be all you think it's going to be. Someone's been a little economical with the truth but they're about to be found out. Relying on your instincts guides you through. Trust yourself. The home benefits from a refurb or even a change of address. Somewhere there is a parting of the ways and a tear or two could be shed.

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

One phase concludes successfully and the lessons learned stand you in good stead for future challenges. Something doesn't go as you anticipated and there's a feeling of having the rug pulled out from under you. Don't be perturbed! The Universe makes sure you're travelling on the right path and in the right direction. You'll replace what's gone before with something far stronger and more durable. A restless energy sees you eagerly anticipate moving on. Patience!

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

Someone lets you down in a most unexpected way causing distress, tears and upset. You thought you knew them so well and are unbelieving of their behaviour. This is as bad as it gets. The only way from here is up. It'll be two steps forward and one step back but patience ensures success. By the months end friends, family and colleagues alike toast you and your achievements. Raise that glass!! It's truly well deserved.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

A time for reflection on all that has gone before. But don't give in to worry and sleeplessness; that simply doesn't help. Engaging your brain, being realistic in your thinking, and ensuring you read the small print, before committing to anything, saves time, money and retracing your steps later on. There is no room for wishful thinking. Keep an open mind and don't be tempted to follow one path to the exclusion of all else.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

Time to nurture yourself as well as others as you begin to reap the rewards for past efforts. Your humble nature stops you from standing proudly on the pinnacle of success but a lovely warm glow of achievement surrounds you. Life seems lighter, brighter and requires a little less effort than has recently been the case. New projects get a helping hand to move forward and education features strongly. Will you be teaching or learning?

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

A calm approach with moderation in all things offers the best chance of success. Heart and mind seem unable to work in unison and you experience an inner struggle with what to do for the best. Practice patience and let solutions present themselves. Someone makes a promise which sounds too good to be true. That might be because it is!! Fortunately, your mental ability is sharp and you easily spot the flaw in the plan.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

Career requires you give it your all and showcase your skills. The same can be said for DIY projects. You're more than capable of any challenges set before you as your natural talents come to the fore. There's a chance that you're your own worst enemy and hold yourself back from opportunities arising. Why? Get over yourself – this really isn't the time to fear the unknown. Don't let feelings of guilt get in your way.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

It's all about money. You're encouraged to take on new learning to better your income, change your employment to cash in on your existing skills, buy or sell property or, an inheritance may be in the pipeline. Whatever the circumstances it's time to look at increasing your worth and the Universe offers a helping hand but YOU have to play your part and hard work IS required. It's a period of golden opportunity. Have courage.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

Patience please! The month starts with slow steady progress and sometimes it's two steps forward and one step back. Don't be fearful, it's simply life asking you to ensure plans are realistic and provide a solid platform from which to work. Something strikes the very heart of you and your whole world lights up with a dazzling display of rainbow colours. About time!! You're set to move out of the shadows and into the light.

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

Balance the receiving with the giving ensuring there's not too much of one and not enough of the other. Charitable works enhance your social standing and leave you feeling good inside. Someone benefits from your kindly wisdom and you become a strong support for them. You've been where they are and successfully guide them through current strife. Building on existing skills or learning something new sets you above the rest and bring the cash in.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

Raise a glass with your soul mate as, together, you can climb mountains. Celebrate your bond and look forward to the good things yet to come. You need to break free from an unpleasant situation which has you in its grip. Walk away now. It requires strength of character but you will live to fight another day. Consider new courses for the beginning of the academic year as this offers opportunities to increase your income.