Monthly Tarotscope

October 2019

Aries Icon


21st March - 19th April

Slow steady progress is required right now rather than rushing headlong into anything. You are more than capable of succeeding in whatever is set before you but please do be methodical in your approach and balanced in your judgements. Add to that a need to be fair but firm and you're good to go. Fate plays its part and an element of luck surrounds all you do. Previous blocks now disappear of their own accord.

Taurus Icon


20th April - 20th May

Partnerships, be they romantic, platonic or work related, are of upmost importance and it pays dividends to throw your efforts into them. Finances are given a boost and, as your wealth increases, your security grows. Take care of your creature comforts but be generous towards others. Let grace and dignity be your bye words. Investing wisely provides a healthy return for the future and sees you a strong position as your hard work pays off.

Gemini Icon


21st May - 20th June

Get a grip as this isn't the time for lack of discipline nor frivolity however much you feel the need for adventure. Marshalling your thoughts and giving your attention to the fine details of situations see you make practical advancements but you really do need to apply yourself. Let others know you mean business and more than have the wherewithal to succeed. Gather your inner strength and be determined. Don't take no for an answer.

Cancer Icon


21st June - 22nd July

You're feeling content with your lot and whilst it's important to enjoy this time do not be tempted to rest on your laurels. The time will come to get back in the driving seat and move life forward. There could be some indecision around you and, instinctively, you're drawn to take the easier option. But does this really offer the best outcome? Meet challenges head on and keep your eyes open for deceptions. Be disciplined.

Leo Icon


23rd July - 22nd August

Opportunities come and go. The important thing is how we use them. Hopefully, any opportunities you've had have been used to benefit others as well as yourself. If not: now is the time to redress the balance ensuring everyone gets a fair deal. One person continues to have your back and remains, steadfastly, at your side. Willingly they offer support through troubled times. Remember; should you hit rock bottom then the only way is up.

Virgo Icon


23rd August - 22nd September

It's all change and that which falls by the wayside does so to make way for new experiences to evolve. Life is never static. It would be boring if it were. Fortunately, you have more than enough capabilities to see you through any situation and, should the need arise, are master of the Sleight of Hand. Be original, exercise self-control and be master of your own destiny. All is never lost and hope remains eternal.

Libra Icon


23rd September - 22nd October

A pleasant interlude where you relax safe in the bosom of your family knowing they respect and admire you for being exactly who you are. Home is where the heart is and you spend time improving the comfort levels for all concerned. It may involve DIY or, perhaps, a move. Whichever you choose; nurturing the family and its future security are paramount. Be generous to all but remember to keep a little by for yourself.

Scorpio Icon


23rd October - 21st November

Something raises anxiety within you and you wonder how this happened. Truth be told you could do nothing to stop anything and whatever's happened has happened for a reason. Remember, once down the only way is up. For now be willing to protect yourself in whatever way possible even if it means spending some time alone. Be watchful. You have an inner strength which you can draw on. Be determined and resolute. You'll win eventually.

Sagittarius Icon


22nd November - 21st December

Something leaves you feeling a little disillusioned but is it really as bad as you're making out? I don't think so. There's something very positive which remains and you have the opportunity to turn this one thing into an outstanding success. All you need to do is use your head, hold your nerve and ensure fairness for all concerned. If you need to stand out from the crowd ensure no one can undermine your position.

Capricorn Icon


22nd December - 19th January

One situation draws to an end and, as with all changes, there's an element of sadness and loss but also the knowledge that something new is preparing to enter your life. Take the wisdom of lessons learned into the future as it stands you in good stead and gives you a solid platform to build further ideas on. Should you give up on one idea completely or is it worth giving it one more go?

Aquarius Icon


20th January - 18th February

Brushing up on your existing skill set or enrolling on a course of entirely new learning are high on the agenda now. An invitation or proposal comes your way and should be taken very seriously. It may feel a little over whelming at first but give it your all and success will be assured. Be courageous and fearless and let your personality shine through. This is your time. Don't let it slip through your fingers.

Pisces Icon


19th February - 20th March

There could be feelings this month of being stuck in life, where nothing seems to move forward nor go your way. There could also be feelings of isolation and loneliness. Use this time wisely to review past events and make plans for your future. Using your head rather than your heart brings rewards but it's not going to be an immediate win. For now keep anxiety at bay with the knowledge that, eventually, you'll succeed.